“Musikschule Reichenfeld” is now at Cafe Feurstein

Wally always greets me by saying “My spaniard! and cheerfully announcing to the crowd: This is my “resident artist! always happy to receive a new painting for her corridor at Cafe Feurstein in Feldkirch. I´m always grateful and proud to show it to the first guests.

This year I was invited to be the representant of the 24th Edition Milk Ressort in Göfis (Vorarlberg). A detail of my painting “Treppe” has been printed and framed. There are 90 signed copies on sale.
If sombody is interested please contact:
If sombody is interested please contact:

I´m very pleased to see my painting hanging in a prominent wall at Dogana Gastronomie in Feldkirch.
It´s owner, Bernhard Gallaun, sent me a picture with these words: “Dein “Meisterwerk” hat einen würdigen Platz gefunden! Liebe Grüße aus dem Dogana B&P” (‘Your ‘masterpiece’ has found a worthy place! Best wishes from the Dogana). More than “worthy” its an honour for me!
It´s owner, Bernhard Gallaun, sent me a picture with these words: “Dein “Meisterwerk” hat einen würdigen Platz gefunden! Liebe Grüße aus dem Dogana B&P” (‘Your ‘masterpiece’ has found a worthy place! Best wishes from the Dogana). More than “worthy” its an honour for me!
Two recent commisions

This spring I received two comissions for two different paintings. Maria Lackinger, who already owns two of my paintings, asked me to paint the “Lindenallee in Margarethenkapf” for her daugther´s wedding. I really enjoyed working directly on site. On the other hand, Rudolf Seuhs, a friend of common friends, goes in retirement to Vienna, and wants a painting of the haus in which he has been living for the last 25 years in Feldkirch. I also made my first sketches on site and later finished it in my atelier. I hope they will enjoy them!!
Excellent report on Vorarlberger Nachrichten about REAL REAL ORNAMENTAL in Milk-Ressort, Göfis

“According to popular opinion, a realist artist is an artist whose art is committed to reality as experienced by the senses. He depicts what he sees in such a way that anyone who looks at his depiction can easily recognise it as part of the reality that he himself experiences with his five senses”.
V. Olmos
V. Olmos
13.05.2024 - 09.06.2024
REAL REAL ORNAMENTAL in Milk-Ressort, Göfis
REAL REAL ORNAMENTAL in Milk-Ressort, Göfis

My last Feldkirch paintings will be exhibited at the Milk-Resort exhibition room in Göfis, together with several works of the well known artist and not long gone Gerold Hirn.
The exhibition will be curated by Harald Pfader and Christine Lingg. Thank you both for given me such an opportunity!
The exhibition will be curated by Harald Pfader and Christine Lingg. Thank you both for given me such an opportunity!
“Unterberger” accompanied by Bianca Lugmayr´s textil-art-works at Cafe Feurstein

My painting “Unterberger” (Feldkirch, 2023) shares the space in Cafe Feurstein with some textil-art-works of Bianca Lugmayr.
I´m very pleased to have such a good company.
I´m very pleased to have such a good company.
“Musikladen” for all passers-by

My painting “Musikladen” (Feldkirch, 2023) is on display for all passers-by in the show window of the legendary Musikladen in the center of Feldkirch.
20.12.2023 - 10.01.2024
“Treppe” in XXXIInd OPA at COAM Madrid

My painting “Treppe” (Feldkirch, 2023) was exhibited in the XXXIInd Obra Plástica de los arquitectos (OPA) at the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM). This exhibition activity gives space to the different artistic and plastic expressions of architects and architecture students, highlighting all the ways of expression that an architect embraces, beyond architecture itself. This is the first time that I took the opportunity of sending one of my paintings. A small part of my austrian town in the big city of Madrid.
DOM in Café Feurstein

In Café Feurstein´s corridor is now “Dom” exhibited. A dramatic shadow crosses the façade of Vorarlberg´s main Catholic church of Vorarlberg, actually the cathedral. The door is closed but some accents, like the vitrine and the wooden bench invite us to stop and hope for a better future. Thanks again to Walli that gives this opprtunity to my paintings.
Musikladen in Musikladen

The painting Musikladen has a new owner, Karl Muellner, who appears along with two costumers in the shop (and with another two costumers in the painting). Musikladen is a mythical music shop in Feldkirch with an impressive collection of vinils and CD´s. I´m very happy when my paintings go to where they really belong.
Link to:
Link to:
Finissage Unter freiem Himmel

We had a wonderful experience with this exhibition in Vorarlberg. Thanks again to Gudrun Sturn and Allsport Campus in Weiler who gave us this opportunity. And a big hug to all our friends and colleagues who came to visit it. Maybe we can repeat it again next year... Now we must think about new projects!

Once again Alicia and me have the possibility to exhibit our work together. My paintings and her photographs in an amazing dialog. Thanks to the invitation of Gudrun Sturn, Landschaftsarchitektin. The Exhibition will last from 1st untill 29th of September at Allsport | Feldstraße 13 | 6837 Weiler | Austria.
Link to Frau Sturn Office: www.frausturn.at
Link to Frau Sturn Office: www.frausturn.at
Painting “alla Monet”

It is a special pleasure to paint directly in the Nature. Even more if you have the purpose to give it back as a big “thank you” to Gudrun Sturn, with a painting of her wild but structured and full of sensitvity garten.
Musikladen in Cafe Feurstein

Looking forward to the new Exhibition

Landscape architect Gudrun Sturn has invited me to make an exhibition in the foyer of her new office in Vorarlberg. I am delighted to share the exhibition again with the photographs of my daughter Alicia. The opening of the exhibition will be next Friday 1st. September and will run until 30th September. We will have to work hard to live up to the expectations.
The adress and more information at:
ipl. Ing. Gudrun Sturn | Feldstraße 13 | 6837 Weiler | Austria
+43 (0)699 19 23 14 22 | hallo@frausturn.at | www.frausturn.at
The adress and more information at:
ipl. Ing. Gudrun Sturn | Feldstraße 13 | 6837 Weiler | Austria
+43 (0)699 19 23 14 22 | hallo@frausturn.at | www.frausturn.at
New Painting in Café Feurstein

From now on in Café Feurstein´s corridor is “Die Treppe”. I´m really happy to take this opportunity that Wally gives to my paintings.

The first two paintings in this small exhibition (Schmiedgasse and Zwei Vögel) were sold to Claudia Amann and Andrea Gassner, for which I was very happy. Replacing one of them Wally (Waltraud Waldner, the owner of Cafe Feurstein) has put on the painting I made in 2020 of the Feurstein entrance (link), which belongs to Christian Ganahl and which wanted it to be exhibited in the café´s corridor.
I replaced the other one with Hair Salon (2022), which was rapidly sold to the hairdresser's husband!!! I then replaced it with ES HALLENBAD (2022) and Wally has just told me that it was also sold!!!
I have to make another one very quickly!
I replaced the other one with Hair Salon (2022), which was rapidly sold to the hairdresser's husband!!! I then replaced it with ES HALLENBAD (2022) and Wally has just told me that it was also sold!!!
I have to make another one very quickly!
A collective exhibition of the members of the BVKV at the Palais Thurn und Taxis in Bregenz will take place form 26.11.2022 until 08.01.2023
I participate with three Paintings (indeed four, because one of them was already sold!!)
I participate with three Paintings (indeed four, because one of them was already sold!!)
Some publications about the Exhibition at Montforthaus Feldkirch

The last exhibitions at Montforthaus and at Café Feurstein in Feldkirch have been published in several internet and printed media, such as GSNEWS and VN (Vorarlberger Nachrichten).
A new exhibition with 11 paintings is currently on show in the E3 Restaurant at the Montforthaus (Congress Centre) in Feldkirch. I have called it "menschen, landschaft, stadt" (people, landscape, city) because it brings together the three main topics of my art. I would like to thank Oscar Giussani for his support.
internal link to the exhibition
link to Restaurant E3
internal link to the exhibition
link to Restaurant E3
Article in Kultur Magazine

An excellent article about the new opening of Café Feurstein in Feldkirch in the prestigious magazine Zeitschrift für Kultur und Gessellschaft. I am honoured to be the first artist to have the opportunity to exhibit there. Thanks again, Wally.
internal link to the exhibition
link to magazine´s webpage
internal link to the exhibition
link to magazine´s webpage
“vielleicht. oder. aber” is the title of this new exhibition at the new Café Feurstein in Feldkirch. Thanks a lot to Wally (Waltraud Waldner) who has given me a great opportunitty one more time! (link to the exhibition)
For the exhibition and through common friends I asked the well known writer Christine Hartmann who accepted to write a beautiful text that accompanied my two paintings.
café feurstein in instagram
For the exhibition and through common friends I asked the well known writer Christine Hartmann who accepted to write a beautiful text that accompanied my two paintings.
café feurstein in instagram
“Neue Mitglieder” in the Newspapers

Local Newspapers have published some news and a chronicle about the exhibition “Neue Mitglieder” at the Kunstlerhaus Bregenz where I have my latest Urban Landscapes.
One can read the news in Voralberger Nachrichten (VN) the 24.01.2022 and the 25.01.2022
One can read the news in Voralberger Nachrichten (VN) the 24.01.2022 and the 25.01.2022
A collective exhibition with the theme “Why Art?” runned by curator Ines Agostinelli at the Palais Thurn und Taxis in Bregenz will take place form 19.02.2022 until 06.03.2022
A collective exhibition of the new members of the BVKV at the Palais Thurn und Taxis in Bregenz will take place form 21.01.2022 until 06.03.2022
I will show my Recent 5 Urban Landscape´s paintings... Looking forward!!
I will show my Recent 5 Urban Landscape´s paintings... Looking forward!!
Member of the Künstlerhaus Bregenz

I´m very pleased to announce that I have been accepted to become member of the Berufsvereinigung Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Vorarlbergs. Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis.
The decision was taken by the board of the association to whom I presented a selection of five of my paintings.
The decision was taken by the board of the association to whom I presented a selection of five of my paintings.
A great success at the Exhibition
Víctor Olmos and Alicia Olmos Ochoa
Víctor Olmos and Alicia Olmos Ochoa

Many friends and visitors came to visit the exhibition and it has been a great success. Naturally, we would especially like to thank the new owners of my paintings and Alicia's photographs. We hope they will enjoy them for many years to come.
We would like to thank Markus Gohm, who dedicated us such nice words about us and on Photography and Painting at the openning, and to Josep Mas Mestre who beautifully played live several classical and contemporary saxophone pieces. And last but not least, to Stefan Finzgar who gave us the opportunity to show our work in his Galerie.
We would like to thank Markus Gohm, who dedicated us such nice words about us and on Photography and Painting at the openning, and to Josep Mas Mestre who beautifully played live several classical and contemporary saxophone pieces. And last but not least, to Stefan Finzgar who gave us the opportunity to show our work in his Galerie.
New Exhibition: Urban Landscapes
Víctor Olmos and Alicia Olmos Ochoa
Víctor Olmos and Alicia Olmos Ochoa

We have the chance to show two of our projects together: my last paintigs with the theme “Front Entrances” in Feldkirch and four excellent Photographs of the Hallenbad City Zürich by Alicia.The exhibition "Urban Landscapes" will take part at the Art Lounge Galerie, Schlossgraben 4, Feldkirch, between 14 and 28 October 2021.
It will last just two weeks and we are very excited about it!
It will last just two weeks and we are very excited about it!
Thursdays for painting

I´ve started painting regularly on Thursdays. No matter if I´m in good mood or not, how the weather looks like or if there is enough natural light or I must turn on the lamp. Regularity and self compromise is the key to go forward.
Besides I tested myself by uploading my paintings on Instagram (and aside by facebook). To my surprise I have more “likes” as I have expected! Thanks!
Besides I tested myself by uploading my paintings on Instagram (and aside by facebook). To my surprise I have more “likes” as I have expected! Thanks!
Updating Web Page

In the last weeks I´ve added works and coments to the website, and tested with my close friends pros and cons before opening it to Social media. New Projects, drawings and works with iPad have been uploaded.
New Web Page

The idea of a Website came from my family and friends who saw a significant amount of paintings, drawings and grafic work that could somehow be published. And of course, a Website is a splendid platform to show my latest work to all those who are interested.
I will try to show only what I like the best, because there is plenty of tries and unfinished examples, I suposse like anyone else who spends his time in subjects like these. However, this platform allows us to have an overview of my work and to open a channel between my friends and me... and maybe find some others who might be interested in what I do.
I will try to show only what I like the best, because there is plenty of tries and unfinished examples, I suposse like anyone else who spends his time in subjects like these. However, this platform allows us to have an overview of my work and to open a channel between my friends and me... and maybe find some others who might be interested in what I do.